[support] Image module: heavy problems

Georg Rehfeld georg.rehfeld at gmx.de
Tue Jul 10 03:57:40 UTC 2007

Hi all,

maybe I'm stupid, but I'm having heavy problems using the Image module
in Drupal 5.1, GD 2.0.8, Image module 5.x-1.3.

I never can't create a new Image node with different error
messages (not beeing useful at all). E.g.:

  1) a .jpg out of Photoshop, dimensions 821x376, size 18 KB gives me
     this error message:

       Unable to create scaled Preview image

     See the screenshot at:


     The strange thing is, that the preview actually _was_ created,
     as can be seen in the screen shot.

  2) a .png file out of Photoshop, dimensions 570x457, size 41 KB gives
     me another error:

       You must upload an image.

     Shot at:


     Again, the image I had choosen, _was_ actually uploaded and
     obviously processed (thumbnail generated) ... and believe me,
     that red marked field wasn't empty, when I pressed the 'Preview'
     button. Besides, the 'Attachments' section is empty.

     Same with a .gif file, dimensions 157x157, size 6 KB.

What am I missing? Most obviously I have done something wrong, because
the image module seems to be far away from alpha/beta and others seem
to be able to use it.

Any suggestions are very welcome. If you need more information to help,
I'll provide it!

Thanks in advance,
   ___   ___
  | + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
  |_|_\ |___   georg.rehfeld.nospam at gmx.de    +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

               (Delete .nospam from mail address)

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