[support] Rendering views filters as checkboxes and radio buttons, instead of select boxes and drop down menus

Zohar Stolar z.stolar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 07:15:38 UTC 2007


<a href="http://drupal.org/node/138374#comment-276845">This patch</a> to 
the <a href="http://drupal.org/project/formtweaker">Formtweaker</a> 
module, modifies views filters, so they render as checkboxes and radio 
buttons, instead of select boxes and drop down menus.

This is quite important, from th usability point of view (many people 
don't know how to properly use select boxes).

Currently there is no way for a user to choose between rendering an 
exposed filter as checkboxes/radio buttons, or as the default select boxes.

How is it done?
How do I add this condition (as a checkbox in the exposed filter section 
I guess) to the views ui?


(ps: I posted this question on groups.drupal.org, but had no reply)

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