[support] editing block content question

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Fri May 4 18:57:07 UTC 2007

Quoting Jean Gazis <jgazis at gmail.com>:

> Why is it that the pre-existing blocks can't be edited, but blocks that I
> create can? I have blocks I created in Drupal 4.7 that I could edit, but
> when the site was moved to Drupal 5, the same blocks became uneditable. Is
> there a way to modify their contents or do I have to just delete and
> recreate the whole block?

What do you mean by block?  Does your database user have the correct 
permissions to be able to update the data?  Does the access control for 
the user doing the editing have permissions to edit the ``block''?


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