[support] Site layout with drupal

Jason Flatt drupal at oadaeh.net
Wed May 16 14:17:08 UTC 2007

On Wednesday May 16 2007 12:12 am, Erik Steffl wrote:
> I am using drupal 5 (since 4.x or so) and while it's easy to install and
> setup as well as add various content types I am still struggling with
> trying to figure out how to do the overall site layout.
> Let's say I want to have a generic news/blog (that works out of the box)
> but I also want distinct (example) sections for Music (my audio files
> etc.), computers/linux (setup, progamming projects etc.), Sports etc.
> When I say distinct I mean at least obviously distinct in navigation
> menu, possibly distinct themes/styles/modules enabled etc.
> I know I can simply create a book and add the top page to the menu but
> I'd like to hear about something better - how do other people do it? It
> seems taxonomy might do it - do I want a separate vocabulary for each
> section?

Based on what I think you are trying to accomplish, I would have to say no. 
The reason is that when you create multiple vocabularies, you have to 
associate each one with your node type (story, page, some custom node, etc.) 
and then for each node you create, you'll have to go through a list of 
vocabularies, find the one that is relevant and select the correct term in 
it. Try it with just three vocabularies, each with three terms, and you'll 
see what I mean.

If you are going that route, I think a single vocabulary with all the relevant 
terms in it would be best option. Then you could use something like the Views 
[1] and/or Panels [2] modules to create your layout, and something in the 
Views [3] and/or Taxonomy [4] [5] categories or documentation [6] for menus 
and theming.

[1] http://drupal.org/project/views
[2] http://drupal.org/project/panels
[3] http://drupal.org/project/Modules/category/89
[4] http://drupal.org/project/Modules/category/71
[5] http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_menu
[6] http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/views

Jason Flatt
Father of Six:  http://www.flattfamily.com/ (Joseph, 13; Cramer, 11; Travis, 
9; Angela; Harry, 5; and William, 12:04 am, 12-29-2005)
Linux User:     http://www.kubuntu.org/
Drupal Fanatic: http://drupal.org/

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