[support] Kabissa drinks the koolaid - please advise - and volunteer? - on joomla to drupal migration

Tobias Eigen tobiaseigen at gmail.com
Fri May 18 03:06:32 UTC 2007

Dear friends!

Yes, the Kabissa team has been drinking the koolaid lately, and we're
feverishly working to migrate our Joomla site to Drupal.

In the coming weeks we will be moving our content over and moving our
member database into civicrm and a "web 2.0" style member directory.
As some may recall, we initially planned to do this with
Joomla/civicrm (our specs are still up on the civicrm.org site) but
have now decided to shift to Drupal/civicrm.

I've been looking at the "Migrating from Joomla/Mambo" guidebook page
here: http://drupal.org/node/80195

It helps, but does not provide a script/recipe for actually migrating
the site. I outlined what I'm trying to migrate and the steps that
seem to be required in a comment to that page, here:

I know this will not be a turnkey affair, but still I feel that it
could be made easier. Perhaps others on this list have had better luck
(or know somebody who has). I'd be massively grateful for any advice
from others that have been through this before us, or a volunteer to
work with us on the actual migration and to expand on the guidebook
page. I suspect that folks will be migrating their community websites
in droves as they realize what Drupal 5.1 can do, and we need to be
more welcoming to them.



ps - I had a dig around the drupal.org forums today, and noticed the
site was excruciatingly slow to load (20-30 seconds a page at times,
esp in the forum) and got "throttling" messages when trying to contact
people. Submitted a ticket to the webmasters but I am still curious to
hear what's going on with the www.drupal.org site, esp as we are
migrating to this platform.

Tobias Eigen
Co-Executive Director

Kabissa - Space for Change in Africa

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