[support] What are the consequences of using latest JQuery?

Eric Mckenna eric.mckenna at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 20:57:00 UTC 2007

Fred Jones wrote:
> Eric Mckenna wrote:
>> Did I post this to the wrong list?
> No.
>>>     I needed to use the latest JQuery release for my front page, so I was
>>>     able to replace the core's version with the latest for only
>>>     page-front.tpl.php.  Later on during development, another developer
>>>     decided to do the same replacement in page.tpl.php.  I know this is a
>>>     bad idea, but I how do I support that it's a bad idea?  I see that
>>>     some
>>>     small issues with collapsible fieldsets on the admin and edit
>>>     pages, but
>>>     for the most part things work fine.  What am I missing??
> If it works fine, then how do you know it's a bad idea? :)
Why i think its a bad idea:
If it was that simple then why isn't there something on drupal.org about 
Why are there modules specifically built to integrate updated JQuery 
And simplely replacing a core component of any piece of software is a 
bad idea unless you have an adequate testing harness, which I don't see 
for Drupal when it comes to the use of JQuery.

Things work, but there are small issues, mostly on the admin pages, that 
I think could become a big issue at any moment.  I don't want to get to 
that point.  Remember, Drupal is packaged with JQuery 1.0.3!  The most 
current version is 1.2.1.  That's a big enough jump to expect some 

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