[support] Node "reads" not working in "most popular" view

Laura Scott laura at pingv.com
Thu Sep 6 22:46:18 UTC 2007

On Sep 6, 2007, at 3:14 PM, Jean Gazis wrote:

> I've been having some issues with Views on a couple of sites. The  
> All-Time Most Popular view that comes with the module isn't showing  
> the number of reads or sorting on it. The default sort is supposed  
> to be popularity, but they seem to be sorting on create date  
> instead. Here is the page view: http://urbanorganic.jeangazis.com/ 
> popular/alltime .  I turned off the block, but it showed the items  
> like this: "Calabacitas ()"
> Do I need to have a "reads" counter in the content item itself? If  
> so, how do I add that field?

This may seem obvious, but since you don't say it, I will ask: Did  
you set the sort criteria (at the very bottom of the view edit  
screen) to number of views?


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