[support] Turning off automatic line breaking

Roy Smith roy at panix.com
Mon Dec 8 15:36:23 UTC 2008

On Dec 8, 2008, at 10:22 AM, Fred Jones wrote:

>> Is there any way to turn off the line-breaking part of the  "Lines  
>> and
>> paragraphs break automatically" feature?  I often copy-and-paste  
>> text from
>> sources which into drupal edit boxes and having it turn all the  
>> returns into
>> br tags is a pain.
> Site COnfiguration--Input Formats
> Click configure next to the one you want to edit. You will then see  
> this option

It looks like you can only turn break and paragraph filtering on and  
off together.  What I want is to disable mapping a single return to a  
break, but keep mapping a double return to a new paragraph.

Roy Smith
roy at panix.com

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