[support] Creating Simplest Instructions for Updating Single-Site D5 Site -- "delete sites directory"

Greg Knaddison - GVS Greg at GrowingVentureSolutions.com
Mon Feb 4 11:17:34 UTC 2008

On Feb 4, 2008 2:08 AM, Shai Gluskin <shai at content2zero.com> wrote:
> Greg, Tony, All,
> Greg -- great point -- sometimes the settings.php file itself changes, so
> you can't assume that you can always use your old one. I like the emphasis
> on reading the release notes. So my follow up to Greg is: for people who
> install via "cvs update" -- do they need to read the release notes also?
> What happened with them on the 5.2 upgrade? Can CVS update a settings.php
> file correctly without overriding the db connection info?

Yes, "cvs up" would handle that.  But if you use multisite or use a
domain specific directory instead of the "sites/default/settings.php"
then you would need to edit the other settings.php files manually.
(but if X happened then you should also know Y...)

> Also re: Greg -- yah, it's probably cleaner to delete all the drupal files
> first (but not files and sites) before moving over a new install. On one
> site that I have we have a bunch of other directories in the Druapl
> directory (probably not a good idea) and this makes trickier when upgrading,
> need to pay attention to which directories are Drupal related, which not.
> That's why I thought the overwriting the old directories made sense in that
> situation.

Right - that works probably 99% of the time. But just in case a file
is removed...

> And thanks for the reminder not to use FTP. I presume SFTP is
> good enough, yes?

"Good enough" is all relative of course, but yes, I think SFTP is good
enough for most uses.  As long as it gets the password into something
even mildly encrypted it will stop most sniffers.

Also, thanks to you, Shai, for seizing this opportunity to gather
information and update the handbooks.  Well done.


Greg Knaddison
Denver, CO | http://knaddison.com
World Spanish Tour | http://wanderlusting.org/user/greg

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