[support] Creating Simplest Instructions for Updating Single-Site D5 Site -- "delete sites directory"

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Feb 4 12:21:35 UTC 2008

Quoting Shai Gluskin <shai at content2zero.com>:

> Greg, Tony, All,
> Greg -- great point -- sometimes the settings.php file itself changes, so
> you can't assume that you can always use your old one. I like the emphasis
> on reading the release notes. So my follow up to Greg is: for people who
> install via "cvs update" -- do they need to read the release notes also?
> What happened with them on the 5.2 upgrade? Can CVS update a
> settings.phpfile correctly without overriding the db connection info?

The answer to that question can be found here[1].  As you can see there 
is no settings.php file in CVS.

Earnie -- http://for-my-kids.com/
-- http://give-me-an-offer.com/

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