[support] Create api for interface with an application

Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli michel at ziobudda.net
Mon Feb 11 13:21:33 UTC 2008

Earnie Boyd ha scritto:
> Uhm, you haven't pulled in the session or loaded the user variable.
How "pulled in the session" ???
I do this:

(loggin into my account with my data)
mydomain/mytestpage.php (and this say me that I'm the user "0", but it's 
not true.

> http://api.drupal.org/api/5
> http://api.drupal.org/api/function/user_load/5

I know user_load(), but when I'm logged into Drupal $user is avaible and 
I don't need to load my user-data.


Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli                       michel at ziobudda.net
Consulenza sistemistica in ambito OpenSource.
Sviluppo applicazioni web dinamiche (LAMP+Ajax)
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