[support] Weird version problem

A-NO-NE Music madflute at anonemusic.com
Fri Feb 29 14:57:23 UTC 2008

Earnie Boyd / 08.2.29 / 7:50 AM wrote:

>The version string you see, is it the control panel of your ISP or is 
>it from admin/logs/status of your Drupal site?  If the former question 
>is true then we can't help; it is an issue for your ISP.  If the latter 
>question is true, at the top of modules/system/system.module is a 
>constant VERSION which is displayed.

You are the man (again)!
Seeing your note above, I went look around deeper, and I found the cause
of my problem.  'Available Update' module is the one screwed up.  This
is the guy keep telling me I have 5.1, while admin/logs/status is
identifying the version correctly.

Puzzling is that puter.a-no-ne.com and anonemusic.com have the same
Available Update module version, and the former is still working while
the latter is screwed up.

At this point, should I remove the module -> update.php -> reinstall the
module, or any other corse of action I should take?

Thank you, Earnie.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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