[support] Generate automatic link to user's blog in profile

Steve Hays hays at ohio.edu
Mon Jul 7 13:41:52 UTC 2008

I have added a field to Profile (profile_blog_name) that allows each  
user to name or rename his own blog.  I have also hacked  
drupal_set_title() at  blog>blog-pages.inc  to use that new field  
content as the title that appears on the blog page.

I then assembled a view that contains all active Profile blog-names-- 
that is, a directory of all user blogs on the site.  Now I'd like to  
add a link for each blog to that page.  I think the easiest way would  
be to add a hidden field to Profiles and automatically render it as a  
link at the time of user registration.  So, when someone registers and  
becomes $uid #125, the field is automatically completed as $base_path/ 
blog/125 or perhaps it would need to be <a=href ....>link</a>.  If I  
can get the value into Profiles, I assume I should be able to include  
it as a Views field and that it should propagate through the blog page  
just like other fields.

I'm just an old classicist trying to implement this for my students-- 
not a programmer. Can someone please tell me whether this will work-- 
and how to programatically generate the link in Profiles?

Many thanks in advance,

Steve Hays
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