[support] Where are my SQL db files?

Steve Edwards killshot91 at comcast.net
Wed Jul 23 21:32:04 UTC 2008

mysql is the system database for your MySQL server.  It sounds like your 
db is dd08.  Can you look in that database and see what tables are 
there?  If you see ones such as access, blocks, blocks_roles, then 
that's your Drupal db.

Steve Hays wrote:
> Steve,
> Here's the variable: mysqli://root:xxxxxxx@localhost/dd08.
> PhP My Admin lists the following 3 databases, all of which seem to be 
> Drupal related:
> dd08 (which I created)
> information_schema (which seems to be Views related)
> mysql (which has 17 records that may or may not have anything to do 
> with the Drupal site.  I can't tell.)
> Now, you need to understand that I'm not a programmer, and I don't 
> work in Terminal mode.  Instead, I'm using Mamp, which makes PhP and 
> SQL work within what I regard as a somewhat normal user interface. 
>  Drupal also operates within Mamp.  So, I'm looking for actual files 
> and folders in System X, and what I find is the following:
> Mamp >>db>>mysql>>dd08 (folder), ib_logfile0, iblogfile1, ibdata1, 
> mysql(folder).  [The comma-separated items are all the same level.]
> The mysql folder contains 51 files with terminations in .frm, .MYD, 
> and MYI.  The dd08 folder contains only a single file called "db.opt" 
> (options?).
> I find nothing in that folder that bears any similarity to 
> "information_schema."
> So, I'm befuddled.  If I have to, I suppose I can learn enough about 
> Terminal mode to find the proper file and upload it.
> I guess I don't even know quite what to ask.  Perhaps this will give 
> someone enough info to extend a suggestion.
> Thanks,
> Steve Hays
> Department of Classics
> Ohio University
> On Jul 23, 2008, at 4:49 PM, Steve Edwards wrote:
>> settings.php in /sites/default.  Look for the $db_url variable around 
>> line 93.
>> Steve
>> Steve Hays wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>> I'm in the process of uploading my alpha-version site.  I've got the  
>>> Drupal folder uploaded.  Now I need to find the db it has stored  
>>> things in, and I'm not sure where to find it.
>>> I'm on a new Mac, operating within Mamp.  Any chance that any of you  
>>> are operating in a similar environment and can tell me which files/ 
>>> folders I need to upload and to which folders within the webhosting  
>>> site?
>>> Steve Hays
>> -- 
>> [ Drupal support list | http://lists.drupal.org/ ]
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