[support] How to use a different template to display a node in a block ?

Nicolas Tostin nicolast at logis.com.mx
Mon Nov 10 18:24:58 UTC 2008

Hi everybody,
I have users profiles built with CCK (using content_profile), on their
profile page, there's all CCK fields available and I'd like to have a block
with this profile but less information available to display as an "about the
author" block in the content created by this user.

What is the way of doing this ?
If I use node_view in my custom php block it will output the full profile
with all fields.

Reading through the developper handbook and profile.module, I will have to
implement hook_theme and template_preprocess_hook to register my new
template.tpl.php is it correct ?
So I can write something like that
function my_module_theme() {
  return array(
    'my_module_block' => array(
      'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
      'template' => 'my_module-block',

function template_preprocess_my_module_block(&$variables) {
  //set my theme variables there
There I can discover them by making a print_r($variables['node']) ?
Reading through CCK 2.0 announcement http://drupal.org/node/329969, I saw a
$FIELD_NAME_rendered variable, will it be available there ?

And I end by creating the file my_module-block.tpl.php and I activate my new
born module.

Once activated, I can put this code in a php block to view the result:
$node = node_load(nid);
echo theme('my_module_block', $node, TRUE);

Is it the best way to do this ? Have I forgotten steps ?
Is there a comprehensive tutorial which will clarify my thoughts are they
are pretty fuzzy at this time.

Thank you very much.


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