[support] Changes Not Saved When Updating /admin/user/access

Clarke Robin Robin.Clarke at networkrail.co.uk
Tue Nov 11 12:51:42 UTC 2008

The function user_admin_perm_submit() in user.module does not seem too complex (at least in v5.10). Maybe you could add a few calls to drupal_set_message() to debug 1) if the function is even being called and 2) what lines are actually executed and 3) that each step results/returns in what you would expect it to?


From: support-bounces at drupal.org on behalf of Shai Gluskin
Sent: Sun 09/11/2008 21:31
To: support at drupal.org
Subject: [support] Changes Not Saved When Updating /admin/user/access

Hi Folks,

I'm running Drupal 5.12 on an install running PHP 5 and MySQL 5. I don't have any node access modules installed.

Problem: When I'm at example.com/admin/user/access and I make changes (checking or unchecking permissions), upon submit --- nothing happens. Permissions remain as they were before. The Drupal-set-message for this page, "Your changes have been saved" -- does not appear. Drupal doesn't report any errors.

Note that other operations at the install such as adding/editing/deleting nodes as well as changing configuration stettings for other modules -- are all working (or I should say, I haven't found others that are having problems affecting the db.

What I've done so far:

* clear all caches
* rebuild node permissions
* "repair" and "optimize" all tables in the DB
* restart MySQL on the server

None of those did anything.

I'm stumped, any ideas?

In the meantime, I've figured out how to change permissions directly in the db by editing the "perm" field in the "permission" table. There is 1 row for each role. You just add (or remove) the name of the permission separated by a comma. Is there anything I need to worry about setting permissions this way?




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