[support] CCK field database storage discrepancy

Paul Kim pkim at reachlocal.com
Fri Oct 31 17:44:20 UTC 2008

I have a content type with several CCK fields. This site goes through 
the standard dev -> qa -> prod workflow, and so I have at least 3 
different servers that need updates pushed on a regular basis. I'm doing 
this through a internal database script that I wrote, and using a 
patched (with the patch provided in the dbscripts module) 
content_copy.module for cck changes that allow updates to content types 
with CCK fields.

I am finding that some fields' content in my dev box is stored as a 
column in the content_type_xxxx (where xxxx is the content type name) 
table, whereas they are being stored in the content_field_yyyy (where 
yyyy is the CCK field name) on the QA machine. For some reason, these 
fields on the QA machine aren't being properly inserted into the $node 
variable, and they aren't being saved properly either.

What's the difference between these fields being saved in 
content_type_xxxx and content_field_yyyy? How do I make sure these CCK 
fields are stored in the same way across all three databases?


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