[support] error installing drupal

Alvar Astigarraga alvar.astigarraga at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 01:19:03 UTC 2008

Problem fixed!

Thank you all for your help

For the record

First I strongly believe that my FTP client corrupted the renaming of  
the settings.php file giving the errors originally posted (Cyberduck  
on the mac, and it has happened before)

Second, I wanted to use PHP 5, and to do that I had to add a line to  
the .htaccess file. Otherwise it would default to PHP 4
but total competency (or even partial competency)  of .htaccess  
evades me and that created other errors.

All was solved by using another FTP client, restructuring the  
directories such that the domain points to where a new .htaccess (for  
PHP 5) lives, and having Drupal loaded in its own separate dir, with  
its own existing and untouched .htaccess

Now I just have to figure out how to add this "AddType x-mapp- 
php5 .php" to Drupal's .htaccess

Again, thanks for the help


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