[support] Error 500 after update.php

Luke drupal at lists.tacticus.com
Tue Sep 9 06:09:15 UTC 2008

On Sun, 7 Sep 2008, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

> [.] ISP responded to me saying Error  
> 500 is caused because there is no /admin/ directory.  They don't know  
> how Drupal works :-(

Do you have access to the raw web server logs?  Maybe through cpanel or 
the filesystem directly?

> I just found out /admin/build/modules and /admin/help also causes  
> Error 500.  The rest is fine.  This ISP gives very limited access to  
> phpMyAdmin.  If I need to clean the cache, I need to know the exact  
> query.  I need to study.

show tables where tables_in_DATABASENAME like 'cache%';

In D5, that gives me five rows:

| Tables_in_NewLifeHV_drupal |
| cache                      |
| cache_filter               |
| cache_menu                 |
| cache_page                 |
| cache_views                |

Then I suppose you would run a truncate table command for each of 
those--E.G. "truncate table cache_filter".

I am no Drupal expert, so Caveat emptor.



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