[support] adding an Onclick setting to jquery drupal settings

Idan Arbel idan at arbel-designs.com
Sat Dec 26 13:59:48 UTC 2009



I'm trying to add a onClick setting to the views slideshow imageflow module.

Everything works great except that when I add the onClick setting it doesn't


This is what is outputted by drupal:


jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings, { "basePath": "/websites/shooky/",
"admin_menu": { "margin_top": 1 }, "thickbox": { "close": "Close", "next":
"Next \x3e", "prev": "\x3c Prev", "esc_key": "or Esc Key", "next_close":
"Next / Close on last", "image_count": "Image !current of !total" },
"imageFlow": { "views-slideshow-imageflow-images-1": { "aspectRatio":
"1.964", "imagesHeight": "0.67", "imageCursor": "pointer", "sliderCursor":
"pointer", "startID": 1, "slider": 1, "captions": 1, "imageFocusM": "1.0",
"scrollbarP": "0.6", "imageFocusMax": "4", "onClick" : "alert('tets');"  } }


the part with the onClick, does nothing. What am I doing wrong?





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