[support] rotating views

John Callahan john.callahan at UDel.Edu
Mon Feb 9 15:52:15 UTC 2009

I haven't done this before but you may be able to create a view with an 
argument form the URL, such as maybe the node ID or though parsing the 
path for terms.   A different way could be to use CCK node reference 
from your pages to ad nodes which would be displayed as teasers in a 
block somehow.  Each page may have a set of ads that go with it.   Since 
I've never done these, maybe someone can tell you if they're even possible!

The more I think about it, to guarantee a certain number of views per 
ad, custom code is probably necessary.

- John

Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> Hmm. Yes, for starters. But since this is for ads, it's important to be 
> able to guarantee the advertiser a certain number of views per page 
> load. So I'm not sure random would fly. And now I'm thinking that I 
> probably need some code in there to get certain ads displaying more 
> often than others. So maybe I really do need to write this code.
> John Callahan wrote:
>> Could you create a view that displays only one item and sorted randomly?  
>> - John
>> Christopher M. Jones wrote:
>>> I'm looking for a way to rotate views. I've seen "Views Rotator", but it 
>>> doesn't look like it does exactly what I want. I need the view to rotate 
>>> for each time a page is loaded, while views rotator rotates on the same 
>>> page via jquery.
>>> What I'm after is a way to replace the advertisement module using views 
>>> and click filter. A different ad should show each time the user loads a 
>>> page. I'm thinking that I need to set a cookie to hold the incremented 
>>> offset, and pull that value into the view whenever it is called. I can 
>>> write this code, but I'd rather drop a module in and call it done. 
>>> Anybody know of any thing that will do this for D5.x?

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