[support] Can't uninstall imagecache

cooper Quintin cooperq at cooperq.com
Sat Feb 14 01:28:33 UTC 2009

Hi everyone, I have a very strange problem here.  I just can't seem to
get rid of the imagecache module, no matter how hard I try.  I have
disabled the module, and uninstalled it, deleted all the relevant
entries from the system table, made sure the cache table and my browser
cache are all cleared, and run update.php  but 'imagecache' still shows
up in admin/build/modules every time I refresh it.  Whats worse, when I
load sites/all/modules  it puts an imagecache entry back into the
'system' table.  I delete it and reload the page and the entry comes
back again.  I have not been able to figure out what is causing this and
I have no idea how to solve it.  But hopefully someone here does.  Thanks.

Cooper Quintin
Freelance Programmer, Indymedia Journalist
(510) 827-5382

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