[support] Class modules

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jun 16 17:06:54 UTC 2009

Quoting Warren Vail <warren at vailtech.net>:

> Good sources, I have the book, found it lacking but didn't give any thought
> to why.  Closer look at this indicates a difference between what I am
> looking for and Mr. Fitzgerald's focus.  The book seems to focus on
> supplementing the classroom process, instead of trying to find an
> alternative to that process.

Glad to hear you've find some information even if that information  
doesn't give you exactly what you want.

> As a software developer, I have been part of, and victim of, a global effort
> to imbed knowledge in software to make it unnecessary to keep lots of
> developers on staff, allowing for offshore (cheaper) talent to supplant what
> I do.

Welcome to the one world view of economic life.  In that one world we  
will eventually all be equal so that a matching of technical talent  
hours to business economic dollars match.  Currently, the company I  
work for sees a 1:8 ratio in onshore (USA is onshore) to offshore  
value.  They do not stop to see the lost value in less competency of  
yet to be tried employees.

> My limited vision of what I needed would allow someone to create courses to
> teach the special knowledge of the courses author, then, the teaching would
> continue without the teacher's active participation.  Much of what I know
> about Drupal development was learned this way, from books just like Mr.
> Fitzgerald's, perhaps not as well done as formal teaching, but not as costly
> as formal classrooms.

I understood your vision from the above comments.

> This raises the question, will educators become the next victims of
> globalization?

Haven't they already?  My wife as an educator must accept students who  
have no idea of what she is saying in plain English because they do  
not know the English language.  There are classes set for these  
students to help them learn English but those are not the main  
classroom experience for these students.  Then these students go to  
the playground, find others of their culture and talk their native  
language with each other.  Often it is found that they are making  
slanderous remarks but if no one in command can understand it how can  
the establish control?

I suppose we have shown our USA bigotry in our comments but I  
understand you clearly.  Let me apologize in advance if anyone is  

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