[support] memcache, ad

Sebastian Gödecke simpsonetti at googlemail.com
Wed May 6 13:50:59 UTC 2009

I'm using D5.17 , memcache 1.1.2 and advertisement.
I have some groups they were shown on left side, right side and
content. When i'm running this with "no cache" option this is working,
but it seems to be not fast as it could be.

If i switch to "file caching" there will be nothing to see. All blocks
are gone.
So first question is: Why ?

When i'm switching to "memcache" (and it is running, i tested it with a
script) then sometimes it is there, but after a reload of the page the
blocks were gone too.
Why ?
An in most of cases when memcache is used, there will only be shown
left side and right side . Content won't be shown.

Are there any hints for me to solve this problem ?

If i want to see "memcache status" in Drupal, i get an error:
warning: MemcachePool::getextendedstats(): Invalid stats type in
/srv/www/vhosts/xxxxxxxxxxxxx.de/httpdocs/cms/modules/memcache/dmemcache.inc on line 127.
No available statistics for this bin.

Regards Sebastian
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sebastian Gödecke
mailto:simpsonetti at googlemail.com

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