[support] Unable to keep logged in to some sites when behind a proxy

Francesco entuland at gmail.com
Thu May 7 11:43:21 UTC 2009

2009/5/7 Annet de Boer <maiasaura at gmx.net>:
> Ciao Francesco,
> This sounds like a cookie problem, could that be the case?
> When you connect and succesfully login, and lateron use your proxy
> connection you have no problem since the cookie is stored already (and still
> valid).
> Regards,
> Annet

Ciao Annet,
yes, it really sounds like a cookie problem, and something really
strange is happening - at least that's strange for me...

After your comments I've decided to do some tests to check when and
which cookies get set logging on the two sites (the working one and
the one that throws me out).

Here are the results:

on frasic.altervista.org (and on other drupal installations on the same server):
- I can log in with the proxy connection, no cookie gets set, I keep logged in;
- I switch to the no-proxy connection without logging out and I get thrown out;
- I log in with the no-proxy connection, a session cookie gets set, I
keep logged in;
- I switch to the proxy connection without logging out and I get thrown out;
- I am not able to log in any more with the proxy connection if I
don't delete the session cookie. Once deleted, I can log in again and
keep logged in as usual.

on drupal.org or on toscana-offerte.com/drupal:
- I can log in with the no-proxy connection, a session cookie gets set
and I keep logged in.
- I can switch to the proxy connection and keep logged in, but if I
delete the session cookie I get thrown out again

Well, for the poor knowledge I have about all this stuff, I think that
the drupal.org behavior is the right one...

The fact that I can keep logged in with no session cookie set on my PC
frightens me... where does Drupal get the authentication from, when
I'm browsing frasic.altervista.org while behind the proxy? Does my
session cookie get saved on the proxy server?

I feel a bit uncomfortable after those tests... I look forward for your advice.

Thank you all for your attention,
best regards,

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