[support] CPU usage

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at theingots.org
Fri May 15 10:21:28 UTC 2009

Jamie Holly wrote:
> Not really. I pretty much recommend people go with a bigger service like 
> RackSpace, which has a very solid reputation, but also comes with a 
> steep price tag (of course the old saying "you get what you pay for" 
> comes into play here).

How about Mosso? (www.mosso.com) A cloud service owned by RackSpace. But 
if I understand their pricing correctly, the service starts at $350/mo. 
I hope I'm wrong. If you look at http://www.mosso.com/cloud.jsp it says:

"Step Two: Watch it Scale
* Scale your bandwidth
   Starts at 500GB/mo. As much as you need for 25¢ per GB
* Scale your storage
   Starts at 50GB/mo. As much as you need for 50¢ per GB
* Scale your compute
   Starts at 10,000 compute cycles/mo. As many as you need for 1¢ per 
compute cycle"

So we have a minimum of: 500*0.25 + 50*0.25 + 10000*0.01 = $350/mo.


Honestly, our site would do fine with 5GB of disk space and 10GB of 


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