[support] What is this error mean?

Jamie Holly hovercrafter at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 15 12:40:02 UTC 2009

You have something being outputted to the browser before it should be. 
Check to make sure you don't have a blank line above your opening <?php. 
Also is you have a closing ?> (which you really shouldn't by Drupal 
standards), make sure there's no blank lines after it.

Also for additional development help, I suggest downloading and 
installing the Devel module. You can do nicely formatted variable dumps 
with it:


Jamie Holly

A-NO-NE Music wrote:
> Drupal 6.13
> I am doing a baby step to module world in order to hack into og  
> detailed block.  So far is does work but comes with an error message:
> "warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by  
> (output started at http://mysite.com/sites/all/modules/mymodule/mymodule.module:1 
> ) in http://mysite.com/includes/common.inc on line 141."
> What does this mean and how do I remedy this?
> Here is the code I have (which is pretty much copy/paste from what I  
> found at the Drupal site except the first 2 lines).
> <?php
> // $Id$
> /**
> * Implementation of hook_og_links_alter().
> */
> function mymodule_og_links_alter(&$links, $group_node) {
> // drupal_set_message(''. var_export($links,TRUE) .'');
> // Remove .. members link and change Invite link to Blablabla in group  
> details block.
> $links['invite'] = 'Blablabla';
> unset ($links['subscribers']);
> }
> --
> - Hiro
> Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Greater Boston
> http://a-no-ne.com   http://anonemusic.com
> --
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