[support] d6 conversion problem

Marty Landman mlandman at face2interface.com
Sat Dec 18 18:27:12 UTC 2010

Well I cleared up the blank screen by running update.php, but after 
getting into the D5 -> D6 conversion a bit realized that with several 
content types and views and thousands of nodes this was a much bigger 
job than I'd bid for so spoke to the client and we're settling on an 
update to the latest D5 version instead... for the time being.


At 02:50 PM 11/28/2010, Victor Kane wrote:
>This is a common D5 -> D6 gotcha!
>For general overview and details: 
>Your problem (or one of them at any rate for sure) is here:
>"change every instance of $language to $language->language. "
>Victor Kane
>On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Marty Landman 
><<mailto:mlandman at face2interface.com>mlandman at face2interface.com> wrote:
>I've upgraded a d5 site to d6 and now nothing's working. When I go to
>the user page to log on it says '4' where the content should go, and
>after going back to online mode via phpmyadmin queries all I get are
>page not found errors. Cleared the caches from phpmyadmin.
>The server error log shows nothing and the website error_log shows
>this a bunch of times:
>[28-Nov-2010 12:33:53] PHP Warning:  Unknown column
>&#039;language&#039; in &#039;where clause&#039;
>query: SELECT src FROM drupal_url_alias WHERE dst =
>&#039;category/image-galleries/news&#039; AND language
>IN(&#039;en&#039;, &#039;&#039;) ORDER BY language DESC, pid DESC in
>/home/catskill/d6/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 128
>I ran update.php to update the databases after removing a bunch of
>unused modules /before upgrading, and the site was working well. I
>guess because of that the d6 db has 123 tables while the live site's
>db which I copied to make the d6 site has 132 - didn't notice that before.
>Any help appreciated, at a loss as to how to proceed. I upgraded all
>the modules and the themes before my site went to never never land.
>Now I'm stuck big time.
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