[support] Drupal-7: mysql-5 niet in path

Richard Bos ml at radoeka.nl
Mon Dec 20 11:19:44 UTC 2010


my hosting provider is in the process of adding mysql-5 to its services.  The 
problem with that is, that php and therefor can not access the mysql-5 client.  
At least that is what I think what is happening as I get an error during the 
installation of Drupal-7.  The error is shown below.  I can access the 
database via phpMyAdmin (PMA) and via the command line.  Is it possible to 
instruct (configure) Drupal-7 in such a way, that it will be able to find the 
mysql-5 client, that lives in /ur/local/mysql-5/bin

The error that is shown during installation is:
Failed to connect to your database server. The server reports the following 
message: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'rudolf'@'localhost' 
(using password: YES).

1) Is the database server running?
Yes, PMA and the command line client work

2) Does the database exist, and have you entered the correct database name?
Yes, it exist

3) Have you entered the correct username and password?
See 1)

4) Have you entered the correct database hostname?
It runs on local host.

Is there a way out of this?



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