[support] Introduction

Pat Newberry drupal at gypsyfarm.com
Mon Dec 27 20:33:25 UTC 2010

I don't actually have any question, but wanted to get my feet wet and at 
least say hello.

I'll be working on a Drupal site for a none profit organization and 
figure at some point I might have a question or at the very least might 
want to read what others are asking.

I've got a local drupal test environment set up on my windows laptop 
using xammp.

the organization I work for has a linux site where I have second semi 
production drupal site (both are 6.x site right now)

I've been debating on going with 7.x ... but figured I hold off for a 
bit on that.  I'm pretty much in the learning stage now, working thru 
the Pro-Drupal  book that uses version 6.x so that is why I'm going to 
stick with that for the moment.

My first proof of concept will be a survey form. I've installed the 
webform module and it seems pretty easy to use.

The results page is not too exciting, so I plan on doing something else 
to display parts of the results in a more graphic form (pie chart, bar 
graphs etc) Will need to research more on the options available to me in 
that area.

Pat Newberry


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