[support] Drupal7 behind Apache reverse proxy

V B forums at clustermagnet.com
Thu Dec 1 15:34:47 UTC 2011

  Sending a followup to the previous question... (

  If a main site is http://mainsite.com, and a subsection of it needs to be
drupal... then

  ProxyPass /drupalsite               http://mydrupal.com
  ProxyPassReverse /drupalsite   http://mydrupal.com

  Things break completely... since the URLs drupal seems to be generating
are not aware of the new /drupalsite/ addition.

  So, after doing some research online, and another article here:
http://groups.drupal.org/node/5242, it seems 2 things need to be modified:

  1.)  $base_url needs to read  $base_url = 'http://mainsite'
  2.)  .htaccess file needs to reflect the /drupalsite... ie RewriteBase

  Now, should the $base_url reflect the mainsite.com or the
mydrupal.comwhere drupal is installed?

  A bit lost here guys, if someone could help, that would be awesome.  At
the end of the day, the drupal site should be masked behind the
http://mysite.com/drupalsite URL structure.

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