[support] Maths Questions

Ayath ULLAH ayath at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Mar 7 19:34:02 UTC 2011



I'd like to develop a site which send maths questions/riddles to subcribers per day via cron at midnight.

Basically I'd have different maths topics such as statistics/mechanics/decsiion/pure maths

Each topic would have a load of questions such as the following in statistics category:

Get the mean average of the following set of numbers:


Users should be able to subscribe to as many categories as possible and get a question emailed every day to their inbox.
Everyday a new question is emailed.
They can then login to the site and submit their answer.
I was hoping that I could add a hints feature so users can login to get hints depending on the question they've been emailed.

Are there any modules that can help me with this?
Can I use CCK for this and stroe all the data in private nodes so its not publicly accessible?

Can ypu please help me with this.
Many Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
Ayath Ullah | Free Webhosting

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