[support] File field and AHAH button not working together

Austin Einter austin.einter at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 23:47:06 UTC 2011

Hi All
I am using Drupal 6.20.

In a form I have a file field as below.

* $form['work']['resume'] = array(
 '#type' => 'file',
 '#title' => "Upload Resume",
 '#description' => 'Browse and select your resume.',
 '#required' => FALSE,
 '#size' => 50,

I have a AHAH button in (in a different division)

* $form['skill_set_wrapper']['allskills']['moreskill'] = array(
  '#type' => 'button',
  '#value' => t('Add / Remove Domain, Skills'),
  '#weight' => 1,
  '#ahah' => array(
   'path' => 'resume_submit/form/moreskills',
   'wrapper' => 'all-skills',
   'method' => 'replace',

In addition to that I have number of fields in my form.
If I *do not* browse and slect a file for "file" field, then AHAH button
works fine (I can add multiple rows for skill add).
If I browse and slect a file for "file" field, then on clicking AHAH
button,  I get a File download dialog asking "Do you want to save this file
or find a program online to open it".

Did anybody face this issue previouly. What is the workout to avaoid the
file download dialog.

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