[support] Adaptive theme or not?

tony maciejowski tony at tony-mac.com
Fri Nov 11 19:51:06 UTC 2011

I have a site up and running with a subtheme of Genesis and am considering
theming it with the Adaptive theme. I read "Adaptivetheme is a powerful
theme framework with support for *mobile and tablet devices*, configurable
layouts... ".
I was just wondering if anyone with experience implementing this theme
could answer my question as to whether implementing this theme gives me
more advantages than just going into the css of the present site and theme
and instituting the media queries necessary.


*tony maciejowski** | analyst/programmer  | websites |
www.tony-mac.com<t_maciejowski at hotmail.com>

*Twitter: anntosh* | *Cell: 323.899.6206* | *Linked-In:* *Anthony
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