[support] Support Ticket Opened Spam?

Marty Landman mlandman at face2interface.com
Wed Nov 16 18:10:03 UTC 2011

Hey me too. I just ignore all that stuff generally, but since we're 
all on the subject, and given it's a gmail account she used can't we 
report this to gmail as spam?

At 12:49 PM 11/16/2011, Jeff Brown wrote:
>On 16 Nov 2011, at 7:25 PM, Marty Landman wrote:
>>At 11:44 AM 11/16/2011, Ms. Nancy Wichmann wrote:
>>>I got 448. The system owner has apologized. Let's stop now, as this
>>>is becoming spam itself.
>>I agree. There ought'a be a special corollary to Godwin's Law to
>>cover just these types of situations. Like the Law of Meta-Spamming
>>or something. Just thinking out loud here.
>Oh, the irony. ;)
>I just got a personal email from 
><mailto:pinky.goyal22 at gmail.com>pinky.goyal22 at gmail.com:
>"Sincere apologies for my error that caused automated emails to be 
>sent to you from the address 
><mailto:pinky at evakoss.com>pinky at evakoss.com. I was working on a 
>support ticket system for a client and when testing the system I 
>didn't realize that the system would send a support ticket in 
>response to your email I've received and responded to in the past.
>I'm very sorry and will take extreme caution so this issue never 
>occurs again."
>But I've never communicated with this person in my life.
>I'm really battling to imagine an entirely innocent use-case 
>scenario for scraping mailing list archives for email addresses and names.


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