[support] was Sup Dig 106. Now:Found what breaks drupal7

Jeff Brown jeff at wildcoast.com
Wed Oct 5 06:37:05 UTC 2011

Next time you'll backup your database first, eh?;)

As said previously, it's probably not a great idea to modify core

But anyway, I just tested your scenario and can't reproduce it.

Here's what I did: copied the Garland theme to sites/all/themes/test
moved garland.info to test.info
replaced all instances of the word "garland" with "test" in
theme-settings.php, template.php and test.info

Importantly (I think) I commented out the line "package = Core" in
test.info. ;D

Changed the theme to test and everything is working fine.

I highly recommend you have a look at Sky and Corolla, which are
sub-themes of Adaptivetheme. There's even a sub-sub-theme called
Footheme, with which you can override the CSS and keep your changes
separate and organised.

That could be considered top-heavy, I guess, but it's worth it for the
time saving, and mobile-ready layout, amongst many other nifty features.
And it's especially great for someone like me, who is more a content
provider and sysadmin than developer. (My grasp of CSS is tenuous at


On Wed, 2011-10-05 at 16:16 +1100, Roger wrote:
> Copying a drupal default theme to /sites/all/themes/ and rework the 
> .info, template.php and theme-settings.php as per tutorial and all works 
> - until!
> Until one insert as the line base theme = garland or base theme = new name 
> into the .info file of the new renamed .info.
> Bingo drupal is dead, no access to the system because there's no theme.
> It does not default to (Seven) the admin theme.
> Most peculiar that drupal can eliminate access because of a line in the 
> .info file.
> If the offending line is commented out, deleted or changed to garland, 
> drupal still dead.
> It seems that drupal reads the multi site .info once and saves a change 
> to somewhere in the database then does not re read the .info file
> To fix: Needs a fresh install of that particular multi site.
> So if someone changes the .info file it kills drupal 7! This needs 
> serious attention.
> It is inconceivable that something as innocuous as the .info file can be 
> so destructive.
> Cheers
> Roger

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