[support] DBTNG Confusion

Ms. Nancy Wichmann nan_wich at bellsouth.net
Tue Oct 25 18:35:52 UTC 2011

Thanks. It works now. But I guess I can take Boombatowers conversions with a grain of salt.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. -- Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.

>From: Jamie Holly
>Doing a join doesn't return the query interface, but rather the alias that was assigned to the joined table. Since variable assignment is processed left to right once it processes the ::join method your $users variable now contains the table alias.
>What you want to do is stop your chaining before any methods that
    don't return the SelectQuery object you are building:
>$query = db_select('user_badges_user', 'ubu')
>        ->fields('u', array('uid', 'name'))
>        ->condition('ubu.bid', $badge->bid); // Up to here you
    get a SelectQueryInterface returned and assigned to query
>$query->join('users', 'u', 'u.uid = ubu.uid'); // Calls the join
    method on $query, but doesn't assign the return;
>$users = $query->execute(); // Returns the
    DatabaseStatementInterface that you pull your results from
>Generally I try to add joins at the beginning of the construction.
    It seems to make it easier to read (it seems most of Drupal's core
    code does the same), so I would write this query like this:
>$query = db_select('user_badges_user', 'ubu');
>$query->join('users', 'u', 'u.uid = ubu.uid');
>$query->fields('u', array('uid', 'name'))
>            ->condition('ubu.bid', $badge->bid);
>$users = $query->execute();
>You could assign $users when you add the fields and conditions, but
    this does make it easier if you want to add anything else to the
    query down the road. 
>Easiest thing to remember is that if you get a non-member/non-object
    error, then the item right above that doesn't return the proper
    class and you should stop variable assignment there and instead just
    call the method without assignment (ie: $query->join('users',
    'u', 'u.uid = ubu.uid')). 
>Chaining might look a little better and save a few keystrokes,  but
    it really doesn't bring any performance enhancements and can keep
    headaches to a minimum, especially when working on classes you
    aren't that familiar with. 
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