[support] DBTNG Confusion

Michael Prasuhn mike at mikeyp.net
Tue Oct 25 19:57:46 UTC 2011

Ms. Nancy Wichmann wrote:
> Trying this also fails with the same message:
>       $users = db_select('user_badges_user', 'ubu')
>         ->fields('u', array('uid', 'name'))
>         ->condition('ubu.bid', $badge->bid)
>         ->join('users', 'u', 'u.uid = ubu.uid');
>       $users->execute();

You are still assign the return value from join() to $users. Try:

$query = db_select('user_badges_user', 'ubu')
  ->condition('ubu.bid', $badge->bid);
$query->join('users', 'u', 'u.uid = ubu.uid');
$users = $query->fields('u', array('uid', 'name'))

About answers on this list, it seems that there aren't a ton of people
here who are able to answer questions like this. I remember answering a
somewhat similar question a few weeks ago:


Michael Prasuhn
503.512.0822 office
mike at mikeyp.net

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