[support] Drupal 7 Rules

Roger arelem at bigpond.com
Tue Apr 17 07:45:04 UTC 2012

I have user1 through 8 for each role of coordinators, specialist 
coordinators, reviewers,  specialist reviewers, and more.

I can create a rule that when for example, user1 logs in as role 
specialist coordinator, it redirects to specialist coordinator page 1 
and it's appropriate menu.

Instead of some 20 similar rules, one for each instance,  can I have one 
rule to handle all the above users and their roles and redirect to the 
appropriate page for that role or am I stuck with one rule for each user?

I can add other users to a rule, set page redirects to all the pages but 
the conditions that would trigger user 1 to redirect to page 1 and user 
n to page n have me tossed.

How can I do this?
I have no php skills at all.

thanks in advance

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