[support] Problems w/ Zen and Nice Menus

Kenneth Jacker khj at be.cs.appstate.edu
Thu Aug 23 14:13:01 UTC 2012

Thanks for your comments, Ursula!

  up> I am using nice menus with a zen 7.5 subtheme without problems.

I don't understand "zen 7.5".  Is there a more complete name/version?

  up> I would send you to the site, but the content is still
  up> confidential, thus protected.


  up> To test it for you, I just changed the default theme to zen (instead
  up> of the subtheme), and put the nice_menus menu into the navigation bar
  up> (main menu, menu-style: down). Everything looks fine on my site.

Strange ...

Further testing on my end turned something up:  if I *log out* of admin
mode, every thing works correctly!  However, after logging in to an admin
account, the menu reverts to that shown in the image sent previously.

Thinking it might have something to do with the (very useful) "admin
menus", I disabled them (both the 'Toolbar' module in core, and the
'Administration Menu' additional module) and cleared all caches.  Made
no difference.

So, all I can see is this:  if I an not logged in, the menu is fine;  if
I login to an admin account, the menu is multi-lined and popups don't work.

The Nice Menus "issue queue" has this related "closed" entry:


But its solution (remove Simple Menus) doesn't apply to my setup since
I'm not using that module.

Any other ideas?



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