[support] Showing a node edit page with drupal_get_form() and hook_menu()

Christian chrisboo at web.de
Wed Jul 25 17:58:51 UTC 2012

Hello everybody,
I am new to drupal and am stuck at a very basic problem. I would like to 
simply show the edit page to a known node id. (The reason I want to do 
this is because I would like to append a form to a view late, but one 
step at a time...)

My module:

  * Show the edid page to a specific nid.

function control_center_menu() {
   $items = array();
   module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');
   $nid = 4;
   $node = node_load($nid);
   $items['test/test'] = array(
     'title' => 'Edit this node',
     'description' => 'Edit this node.',
     'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
     'page arguments' => array('page_node_form', $node),
     'access callback' => TRUE,
   return $items;

However, at test/test I get a bunch of errors:

  * /Warning/: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid
    callback, function 'node_form' not found or invalid function name in
    /drupal_retrieve_form()/ (line /795/ of
  * /Notice/: Undefined index: #node in /menu_form_node_form_alter()/
    (line /629/ of
  * /Notice/: Trying to get property of non-object in
    /menu_form_node_form_alter()/ (line /629/ of
  * /Notice/: Undefined index: #node in /menu_form_node_form_alter()/
    (line /630/ of
  * /Notice/: Trying to get property of non-object in
    /menu_form_node_form_alter()/ (line /630/ of

And instead of the hole form I only get the Menu setting check box and 
the URL path settings.

What am I doing wrong? I tried hard to find a noob friendly copy past 
example but didn't find any... Thanks a lot in advance!


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