[support] D7 - Hiding Main Menu / Menu-Items

Kamal Palei palei.kamal at gmail.com
Sat Nov 17 12:29:58 UTC 2012

Dear All
In Drupal 7, one can hide the main menu items with proper permission

In a typical job recruitment site, I have 4 kind of roles

1. Anonymous users
2. Authenticated users
3. Employers
4. Administrator

I want to show some menu , menu-items to only authenticated users but not
to employers.
With current setup and permission tweak this is not possible.

Lets take an example. I have a job_search module. It provides only two
pages for job search.
The first page is just a form, and other page just shows result. Lets say I
have defined permission 'job search' in hook_permission of job_search
For both these pages, the access argument given (in menu hook), is 'job

Say for authenticated users, I have set the permission for 'job search'. So
far so good.
The authenticated users can see the job search pages and corresponding
result page.

Now how do I stop users with role seeing job search menu / menu-items .
Please help somebody.

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