[support] Trouble updating D6 to 7

Prothero William waprothero at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 22:42:44 UTC 2013

I am updating my site to Drupal 7. I am using the Omega theme, with a simple sub theme I developed. I'm stuck because the Zone and Region configuration menus no longer open up to set the configurations of each region. It did work, but after a LOT of struggle trying to get the update.php script to run without errors, the Zone and region configuration settings stopped working. In addition, the Omega them Layout Configuration had a nice selectable menu on the left, and this disappeared and the entire settings list appeared on a single page.

Any advice? I'm coming to the conclusion that I don't need to do the upgrade, but if there is some obvious thing I'm doing wrong, I'll keep trying. I've followed the Omega theme directions by having the required modules available.


Prothero William
waprothero at gmail.com

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