[support] Garland Subtheme Using Color Module & Maintenance Mode

Michael Ryan mr at mry4n.net
Thu Apr 25 18:15:29 UTC 2013

I wrote this documentation page on how to use the color module in a Garland
subtheme: http://drupal.org/node/1969060

In it, I assume that you do not need to copy over the Garland style.css
into your subtheme folder. This seems to be true until you put the site in
Maintenance Mode and view it as an anonymous user.

I assume this is the case because the Color module is turned off to the
outside world and therefore the path to the new stylesheet is not included
in the maintenance page.

Is this how things should work?

Should I simply be changing the theme to Garland when in Maintenance Mode?

Am I getting something wrong about how to use the Color module in a Garland

Should I be overridingthe maintenance-page.tpl.php file in my subtheme to
somehow include this path?

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