[support] drush archive-dump selected directories

Tim Johnson tim at akwebsoft.com
Fri Dec 6 20:48:33 UTC 2013

* Tim Johnson <tim at akwebsoft.com> [131206 10:20]:
> * Ingo Preuss <ingo.preuss at gmail.com> [131206 07:11]:
> > Try the backup and migrate module.
> > 
> > Hth
>   Thanks for the tip. Backup and migrate on its own just backs up
>   the database, but it has a plugin 
>   https://drupal.org/project/backup_migrate_files
>   to back up files.
>   I will report back. :) It isn't drush but I hope it will work in a
>   pinch.
    I ran into problems with the backup_migrate_files module
	regarding pear (FYI - am php noob).
	The solution using archive-dump is I believe  the 
	tar-options option which passes options to tar.
	tar-options="exclude=dir1 exclude=dir2 ..." works

	more simply an input file would work better for multiple
	excludes, and that should be  the tar 
	'-T file_listing_files_to_exclude.txt' option.

	So far I haven't been able to make that work, but will be the
	solution, I suspect.

	I will post what works when I get to it.
tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com
http://www.akwebsoft.com, http://www.tj49.com

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