[support] Jquery code revision...

Yani akayani at aapt.net.au
Sat Jun 1 02:31:59 UTC 2013

I need a hint on this... I've mentioned it before but couldn't get my head
around it and put it in the too hard basket. Of course it has come back and
bitten me again.


What's happening is my JS code is causing some other code to break.


There are 2 ways I've used the JS...



(function($) {

  Drupal.behaviors.zeroPoint = {

    attach : function(context, settings) {

      //Drupal Jquery wrapper



Button items in here that call functions


      //end wrapper




// Note the wrapper is different for Drupal Behaviors




function manageBlocks(menu) {( function($) {

    $(document).ready(function() {

      // jQuery wrapper


Functions actions in here


     //end wrapper







Can I just lift the functions up and place them within the top section or do
I need to write the bottom section differently.


It just seems odd that this wouldn't be correct as is.


The sort of things it impacts are Facebook blocks that don't update and the
file upload MCE losses all JS abilities. 


Note... it's been 12 months since I've touched this and I'm most brain dead
on it!




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