[support] permalink format

Jamie Holly hovercrafter at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 24 23:17:40 UTC 2013

It's reporting the canonical link in the source as /planetmath, but 
going to node/XXXX is the default Drupal way. You can prevent that by 
installing the global redirect module.

If you're using a field to generate the permalink, that field has to be 
populated when the node is first saved so Pathauto can generate the 
alias and save it in the database. Pathauto only updates alises on 
entity updates (node, user, etc.) when that entity is updated through 
the controller. So changing a field directly won't change the path. Also 
you can adjust how Pathauto functions when aliases do change on the 
settings page.

Jamie Holly

On 3/24/2013 5:17 PM, Joe Corneli wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 8:51 PM, Jamie Holly <hovercrafter at earthlink.net> wrote:
> > You want the pathauto module:
> >
> > http://drupal.org/project/pathauto
> I have pathauto installed, with [node:field_canonicalname] set as the
> default path pattern.  The issue is that my XHTML is coming from a
> custom cache and doesn't seem to hit the outgoing pathauto
> preprocessor before it's served to the public.  So I'm wondering how
> to make pathauto apply to the contents of a given field before that
> field is served.

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