[support] AJAX

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Wed Oct 23 11:22:17 UTC 2013

> perhaps you could find one "on point" web page with Google and help me out.

No problem.

> I have a view which produces a page of links to content.  When the user
> clicks the link, I want to display an unadorned, overlaying, modal <DIV> of
> the target.  Imagine, for example, that the view produces a list of
> drawings, then I want to display the selected drawing without any real
> estate consumed by Drupal navigation or block regions.

This is actually what Colorbox already does. Probably that's all you need:


If not, Google for "drupal ajax" and you will find the third result in
Google is an EXAMPLE of how to do it in Drupal, right on the Drupal
API site:


> More specifically, how does 'class="use-ajax" ' do this magic?  I have to
> assume there is an onClick event handler hiding somewhere above me in the
> DOM looking for the class "use-ajax".  Where is this event listener
> attached? How does it become attached?  Where is the source, so I can see
> both the event handler and the attachment?

To understand the basics of Ajax if you prefer to do it yourself,
start with a tutorial. Here's one I found on Google:


> Finally, how do I register my callback function which will operate on the
> returned JSON, which is a complicated question because I need an example of
> what I need to write, where I need to put it, and how I tell Drupal that it
> is there.

Google for "register ajax callback" and the first result is:


Presuming that you already know that Drupal ships with and encourages
use of jQuery, this is all you need.

Good luck.

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