[support] Git and Drupal 7

Roger arelem at bigpond.com
Mon Feb 24 23:10:23 UTC 2014

I am investigating setting up a development and test environment with 
version control using Git on a Heroku like service such as AppFog or 
other, preferably Australian system. My internet speed is pathetic so I 
need an ISP in close proximity.

Research indicates that Heroku is no good for Drupal version control so 
I am seeking the experience of others as to which provider is the better 
for Drupal.

Also, It would appear that version control needs to affect only parts of 
the /sites folder so I'm guessing that modules and core can be listed in 
the .gitignore file along with the /files/ctools folder and others.
Once the theme is established that too could be in .gitignore. In Rails 
one must compile all the assets, css and images before pushing, would 
this apply to a Drupal push also.

So I'm guessing that Git and the dev/test environment changes would be 
content type creation and alteration, Rules, Views, Taxonomy 
setup/change and once content types are finalised they too could be in 

The ISP service won't, if they are like Heroku permit images to be 
stored in the /files/images folder so development could be hampered 
unless one can find a way to "grab" the images from the current 
production /sites/files/images folder or some other read only directory 
on the production site outside the Drupal installation.

Are these valid assumptions? What else should I consider and address?
I would appreciate any advice on setup, gotchas and difficulties 
together with experiences good or bad.

Thank you in advance, any help is greatly appreciated.

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