[support] Date views

Roger arelem at bigpond.com
Tue Jan 14 06:47:07 UTC 2014

I hope someone can help me with Drupal 7 views.

We have a scenario where events have a lot of repeating dates.
For instance, one lot of events may occur every  Wednesday for a year  
in various venues or another every third Monday for the year in similar 
venues. There are 100+ events held across a 30+ venues in 5 states every 
We have many similarly named events and the calendar format is very 

I am having trouble creating a view which displays each event with it's 
appropriate title,  venue and locality as a heading but shows only start 
time and limited from now +up to 7 days. Effectively categorising events 
to a venue/state.

Event name, Venue Locality and State are taxonomy terms. States have 
many venues. Event name has many venues.

No matter what I do the view shows redundant data - previous dates for 
past weeks and future dates for a month or so. And will not categorise 
event names to a venue or locality.

It filters on
term from field_event_venue: Field state
field_event_date = now,

Sorted on Date - start date(asc)

Locality is grouped to State
Venue is grouped to  Locality and to State

Most perplexed
Help is greatly appreciated

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